For the last couple of decades, researchers from around the world have invested time and effort to bring nanoscience and nanotechnology to medicine.  The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has been at the forefront in supporting these efforts with their highly successful Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer Program. 
Building on progress in the molecular sciences and advanced technologies, new perspectives may emerge through the exploration of trending engineering principles that could help shape and further accelerate the emergence of nanomedicine into healthcare. 
In this talk, examples of blending novel physical sciences/engineering perspectives with medicine will be presented to illustrate that fostering the development of such innovating and promising approaches in nanomedicine could lead to a paradigm shift in the way we understand and ultimately implement it into treating various types of diseases.
Tipo Seminario
Luogo Aula Viola del DIBRIS
Regione Liguria
Comune Genova
Provincia Genova
Indirizzo Via Opera Pia 13 III piano, Genova
Organizzatore Ordine degli Ingegneri di Genova
Responsabile Scientifico Ing. Gianni Vernazza
Durata 1 ore
Frequenza minima 1 ore
Costo Gratuito
Tipologia corso -
Iscrizioni Chiuse
Posti disponibili 140
Posti rimanenti 139
giovedì, 20 dicembre 2018
Prof. Larry A. Nagahara
  • 2018-12-20LOEngineeringChangesinNanomedicine-BringingTransformativeImpacttoHealthcare1.pdf Download
Apertura Iscrizioni19/12/2018 10:00
Termine Iscrizioni20/12/2018 15:00

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