The Made in Italy is not just a Production Choice, but it represents a Strategy as proposed by Ing.Lelio Gavazza, Executive VP of Bulgary From Exxon to Bulgari passing through Consulting, Textile Industries, Fashion And Luxury from Europe to China and Back it is an experience that outline the Importance of strong foundations, flexibility and capability face Challenges and develop Strategies for Business, Companies and People, 
Dr.Gavazza proposes you Made in Italy as a Strategy by itself. 

Further Info available on:

Link to the event:

For details to connect please check www.simulationteam.com/strategos/webinstructions 
Tipo Seminario
Luogo OIGE - Fad Covid-19
Regione Liguria
Comune Genova
Provincia Genova
Indirizzo Piazza della Vittoria 11/10
Organizzatore Ordine degli Ingegneri di Genova
Responsabile Scientifico Ing. Deborah Savio
Durata 2 ore
Frequenza minima 2 ore
Costo Gratuito
Tipologia corso -
Iscrizioni Chiuse
Posti disponibili 200 - 200 riservati agli iscritti all'ordine di Genova
Posti rimanenti 200
martedì, 01 giugno 2021
The Made in Italy is not just a Production Choice, but it represents a Strategy as proposed by Ing.Lelio Gavazza, Executive VP of Bulgary From Exxon to Bulgari passing through Consulting, Textile Industries, Fashion And Luxury from Europe to China and Back it is an experience that outline the Importance of strong foundations, flexibility and capability face Challenges and develop Strategies for Business, Companies and People, 
Dr.Gavazza proposes you Made in Italy as a Strategy by itself.
Apertura Iscrizioni12/05/2021 17:00
Termine Iscrizioni31/05/2021 23:59

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