Industrial Plant Innovation Seminar: Industry 4.0: Addressing Critical Issues in Real Industrial Cases  
MIPET – The International Master in Industrial Plant Engineering and Technologies is an initiative promoted by a joint Team of Academic and Scientific Institutions, Industries and Associations.
The 10h Edition of MIPET involves an international class composed by top quality young engineers sponsored by major companies.
The MIPET Excellence is based on the strong engagement of Academic and Technical Experts coming from Prestigious Universities and Leading Industries that are active in this area with special attention to sectors such as Energy, Iron & Steel, EPC, Large Industrial Plants, Process Industries, Oil & Gas.
As happen each year, MIPET 10th edition includes modules and seminars that are open also to Professional and Industrial communities to promote also locally this International Network.
This Seminar is titled: Industrial Plant Innovation Seminar, Industry 4.0: from Words to Facts in Real Industrial Cases and it is a part of MIPET programme available to professional experts and engineers.  
WHEN:      September 6th 2019    
WHERE:    Aula DIPTEM, DIME - Polytechnic School, Genoa University
 Downstairs, Via Opera Pia 15, 16145 Genova, Italy

The Industrial Plant Innovation Seminar includes Real Cases as demonstrations of Industry 4.0 and innovative solutions based on new technologies applied to real plants as examples of effective use of R&D (Research & Development)
Industrial Plant Innovation Seminar presents innovative methodologies, techniques, models described by experts at international level able to guarantee a competitive advantage in Industrial Plants.
The seminar addresses both technical and management issues in relation to different challenges related to Sustainability, Oil and Gas, Smart Energy Management, etc.
Industrial Plant Innovation Seminar is designed for young engineers, technicians and professionals intended to being updated on new Opportunities provided by Research and Development Programs as well as by new Models and Innovative Methodologies within complex Industrial Plants projects  

Registration & Welcome Ing. F. Lombardo, Ordine Ingegneri Genova
9.00 Industry 4.0 in Plants and Production Lines Prof. A.G.Bruzzone, Genoa University
10.30 Research & Development: EU Projects Ing G. De Marchi. Paul Wurth Italia
12.00 Managing funded projects: from start to final report Ing. E.Cattaneo, Stara Glass, Hydra Group
14.30 Risk & Innovation in Industrial Plants Ing. Tommaso Vairo, ARPAL
15.30 Regulations & Performance with New Technologies Ing. R. Orvieto, Consiglio Nazionale Ordine
16.30 New Solutions for Service in Plants Prof. A.G. Bruzzone, Genoa University
17.30 Extended Reality for Safety & Security Ing. Kirill Sinelshchikov, Simulation Team

Number of CFP: 6               

Further details are available at
Tipo Seminario
Luogo Aula DIPTEM, DIME Scuola Politecnica Piano inferiore
Regione Liguria
Comune Genova
Provincia Genova
Indirizzo Via Opera Pia 15, 16145 Genova
Organizzatore Ordine degli Ingegneri di Genova
Responsabile Scientifico Ing. Felice Lombardo
Durata 7 ore
Frequenza minima 6 ore
Costo Gratuito
Tipologia corso -
Iscrizioni Chiuse
Posti disponibili 100
Posti rimanenti 100
venerdì, 06 settembre 2019
Ing. Kirill Sinelshchikov
Ing. Tommaso Vairo
Ing. Roberto Orvieto
Ing. Giovanni De Marchi
Prof. Agostino G. Bruzzone
  • 2019-09-06MIPETIndustry4.0-AddressingCriticalIssuesinRealIndustrialCases.pdf Download
Apertura Iscrizioni04/09/2019 13:00
Termine Iscrizioni06/09/2019 09:00

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