Managing Knowledge-Based Interoperability in P5 Medicine (FAD-COVID 19)
Bernd BLOBELa1, William GOOSSENb, Frank OEMIGc, Stefan SCHULZd,
Stefano LOTTIe, Mauro GIACOMINIf
a Medical Faculty, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany b Results 4 Care B.V., Amersfoort, The Netherlands c Deutsche Telekom Healthcare and Security Solutions GmbH, Essen, Germany d Institute for Med. Inform., Statistics and Docu., Medical University Graz, Austria e INVITALIA S.p.A., Rome, Italy f DIBRIS, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy

Friday July 17, 2020, 13:00-14:00 CET

Collegamento in videoconferenza tramite piattaforma ZOOM

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Personalized, preventive, predictive and participative precision (P5) is the latest move in healthcare transformation, systematically enhancing empiric and evidence-based medicine by systems medicine, understanding the course of diseases according to the individual health status, context and conditions of the subject of care. This highly interdisciplinary approach is provided by stakeholders from many different knowledge as well as policy domains, using their methodologies, terminologies and ontologies at different levels of maturity, knowledge, skills and experiences. Here we have to highlight, e.g., medicine and life sciences, natural and social sciences, bioinformatics, economy, ecology, and engineering, but also the integration of research and practice. Traditional interoperability paradigms such as data exchange or semantic information exchange do not work anymore and have to be enhanced by knowledge sharing and knowledge harmonization, even considering individual knowledge, experiences and skills. Because of the complexity and dynamics of the P5 medicine ecosystem, health status, context and conditions cannot be predefined, but have to be explored and represented in real-time, which requires cognitive computing, formal representation and automated management of the involved domains’ knowledge. Interoperability requires referring as much as possible to agreed or even better standardized approaches representing that knowledge. Here, HL7 with its concepts and their implementation using, e.g. FHIR, SNOMED International with the SNOMED CT standard, ISO 13972 Health informatics –Clinical information models, and many others have to be mentioned. For correctly representing a business system, its objectives and contexts as well as the required entities, their interrelations and harmonization, an architectural approach to the that ecosystem based on international standards such as the ISO Interoperability Reference Architecture is inevitable. For interrelating and harmonizing different concept spaces, internationally agreed and standardized ontologies (BFO, OBO ontologies, SNOMED CT etc.) must be deployed and properly managed.

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CFP assegnati: 1 - Partecipanti massimi: 45 
Tipo Seminario
Regione Liguria
Comune Genova
Provincia Genova
Indirizzo Piazza della Vittoria, 11/10 - 16121 Genova
Organizzatore Ordine degli Ingegneri di Genova
Responsabile Scientifico Ing. Gianni Vernazza
Durata 1 ore
Frequenza minima 1 ore
Costo Gratuito
Tipologia corso -
Iscrizioni Chiuse
Posti disponibili 45
Posti rimanenti 10
venerdì, 17 luglio 2020
Ing. Mauro Giacomini
Apertura Iscrizioni15/07/2020 11:00
Termine Iscrizioni17/07/2020 12:00

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