Seminari Carlo Emanuele e Maria Rosa Tiscornia
Venerdì 18 Ottobre 2019 ore 15.00
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica ed Ambientale -DICCA
Aula Magna -Via Balbi 5 - Genova

Tim Barckholtz Technical Manager, Exxon Mobil, NJ, USA

The world faces a difficult "dual challenge" in the coming decades: how to provide low-GHG energy supplies to a growing population.
This talk will present one technology option for  how to continue to use our natural resources to create power, run factories, and the like, but not emit the CO2 emissions, but rather capture the CO2 and safely store it underground.
Carbonate fuel cells have the unique property in that while they capture CO2 from a flue gas source, they will also generate additional electricity and additional hydrogen.
The hydrogen can be use di navariety of way sto also de-carbonize other energy consumers.

Tim Barckholtz holds a PhD in Chemistry from Ohio State University. He has been with Exxon Mobil for more than 18 years in a wide variety of roles. Early in his career, he helped commercialize an NOx reduction technology that was implemented in the company's Baytown Refinery. After a series of management roles, Tim returned to technology in 2011, and shortly there after discovered the unique action of the carbonate fuel cells. Tim is now the company's technical manager for all R&D in CO2 captureand sequestration.
Tipo Seminario
Luogo Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica ed Ambientale -DICCA Aula Magna
Regione Liguria
Comune Genova
Provincia Genova
Indirizzo Via Balbi 5 - Genova
Organizzatore Ordine degli Ingegneri di Genova
Responsabile Scientifico Ing. Enrico Sterpi
Durata 3 ore
Frequenza minima 2 ore
Costo Gratuito
Tipologia corso -
Iscrizioni Chiuse
Posti disponibili 100
Posti rimanenti 84
venerdì, 18 ottobre 2019
Prof. Tim Barckholtz
  • 2019-10-18LOSeminariTiscornia-CO2CaptureUsingCarbonateFuelCells.pdf Download
Apertura Iscrizioni25/09/2019 16:00
Termine Iscrizioni16/10/2019 23:59

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