STRATEGOS R&D: Modeling Air Logistics, Airports & Air Cargo (FAD-COVID 19)
POC: Prof. Miquel A. Piera, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona,
14:00B-16:00B, GMT+2, July 15, 2020 on MS TEAMS MIPET Group

Il Modulo R&D è sviluppato come cooperazione fra Ordine Ingegneri, Partner Companies, Confindustia dall’iniziative STRATEGOS & MIPET di UNIGE

This Webinar addresses Airports and Air Cargo as Complex Plants to be model Properly for supporting their design, development, refurbishment & management
This field is fast evolving along last years and currently it is subject to large and complete review to be ready to face covid-19 crisis new phases in competitive way.
In this sense the complexity of this framework makes it evident the necessity to adopt very advanced solutions and technologies to support the development of new successful Strategies.
The webinar outlines also the role of advanced models and simulation tools as Decision Support Systems (DSS) in the Air Transport Logistics area as well as in the Design of Airports and new Procedures and Policies. The creation of these models could deal with a single node analysis or the service of a specific Operator and/or Player, but could also deal with National and Regional Issues devoted to reorganize the whole compound
This Webinar is presented in English
Questo webinar si svolgerà su MSTEAMS; dopo ogni presentazione si terrà una discussione aperta con dimostrazioni interattive,video,laboratori virtuali.
Tipo Seminario
Regione Liguria
Comune Genova
Provincia Genova
Indirizzo Piazza della Vittoria, 11/10 - 16121 Genova
Organizzatore Ordine degli Ingegneri di Genova
Responsabile Scientifico Ing. Felice Lombardo
Durata 2 ore
Frequenza minima 2 ore
Costo Gratuito
Tipologia corso -
Iscrizioni Chiuse
Posti disponibili 50
Posti rimanenti 10
mercoledì, 15 luglio 2020
Prof. Agostino G. Bruzzone
Apertura Iscrizioni09/07/2020 12:00
Termine Iscrizioni14/07/2020 20:00

Siamo spiacenti le iscrizioni al corso si sono chiuse il 07/11/2019 alle 23:59
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