STRATEGOS R&D: People & Time Management vs. Coaching (FAD-COVID 19)
POC: Pasquale Acampora, CEO Blackship,
0900B-1700B, GMT+2, August 25 2020 on ZOOM

Il Modulo R&D è sviluppato come cooperazione fra Ordine Ingegneri, Partner Companies, Confindustia dall’iniziative STRATEGOS & MIPET di UNIGE

This Webinar addresses the critical issues related to hot topics for Improving the value of Human Resources in terms of individual and team Capabilities. In particular thisday addresses both People Management and Time Management for improving Individual, Group and Combined Performance using effective Methodologies and Techniques The Coaching is emerging since several years as a service that could be used to prepare, support and enhance capabilities of people and the requires to be properly tailored and tuned for being successful and the speaker will provide you guidelines on this sector based on his long experience in this area with Special attention to Engineers and Decision Makers. The Webinar goes along the entire day, with a break for lunch, and introduces you in Interactive Exercises and Role Play Games to provide direct experiences on these subjects
This Webinar is presented in English This Webinar run son Zoom; after each presentation it will be held an open discussion including interactive demonstrations,videos,virtuall abs.
Tipo Seminario
Regione Liguria
Comune Genova
Provincia Genova
Indirizzo Piazza della Vittoria, 11/10 - 16121 Genova
Organizzatore Ordine degli Ingegneri di Genova
Responsabile Scientifico Ing. Felice Lombardo
Durata 6 ore
Frequenza minima 6 ore
Costo Gratuito
Tipologia corso -
Iscrizioni Chiuse
Posti disponibili 45
Posti rimanenti 2
martedì, 25 agosto 2020
Prof. Agostino G. Bruzzone
Apertura Iscrizioni22/07/2020 11:00
Termine Iscrizioni24/08/2020 20:00

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